Nov 26, 2001
Read my country run-down. An analysis
of film output from a world atlas viewpoint.
Filmmaking is a global art form, that anybody can get into. Sometimes
it is very lucrative. Sometimes it is not. But keep on trucking. Soon
we'll start making virtual reality movies (that probably won't be called
movies anymore). Anyway, the point is to take us to another place, another
time. To entertain us for a moment, to shock us, to educate us, to stupidify
us, to distract us, to make us feel smarter, to make us feel silly, to
make us feel dumber. Cinema is a great responsibility. It DOES influence
Violent films make people more violent and peaceful films make people
more peaceful. This is an UNDENIABLE fact. So use films carefully. Now
in our region of the world, I don't want to let everything out of the
bag right away, coz I still have to make a living, but it is also undeniable
that we have to make better films. Coz it is fun. Coz it is profitable.
Coz it will make us better human beings. And don't always go for shock
or for anger. That's the easy way out. Try making a nice, heartwarming,
light but not cheezy film and realize that that is even harder to make
and less scarring on the psyche of your audience.
Whenever you talk to a Pinoy Hollywood person, they say the reason why
they never make high quality, intelligent movies is because they say there
is not market for it. Well I am an intelligent, quality movie appreciator
and I am a market. And I bet I am not alone. So let us make college-educated
movies for us and let Pinoy Hollywood make movies for the rest. I hope
we get along (But by the time they read this site, we will not get along.
Coz they are vindictive. hehehe). Anyway, like I always said I am trying
to promote high-quality movies. I am an advocate. I will make even some
myself coz preaching is good, practice is better. I hope they turn out
pretty good. And I am seriously interested in founding a school someday.
I would like to focus on more light-hearted happy movies than the angsty
angry movies other film schools like to produce. Its not that I have anything
against them, its just that I want to be an alternative. Anyway, my hands
hurt. Till next time...
Read also my personal hotlist of the Behind The
Scenes people in film today. The people who make it happen.
13, 2001
Taliban soldiers were ruthlessly efficient in their destruction of the
PARWAN CINEMA, except for the fragments of fantasies they left scattered
on the projection room floor.
___ Two
years later, the torn bits of movies - the blasphemous idolatry the Taliban
thought it had wiped out for eternity - survive as the only reminder of
a time when the people of CHARIKAR could sit in rows of metal chairs and
stare at a flickering screen and dream...
___ It
isn't easy to have a good time in a country so long at war. Those with
money to spare can rent videos smuggled in from neighboring PAKISTAN,
past the officers of the Taliban Ministry of Virture and Prevention of
___ Baba
Khan, a metal worker and movie lover, was a regular at the Parwan. Now
he sits on a wooden stool in his workshop across the street from the ruined
theater, remembering how it used to be...
___ "It
was a good time. I miss It. I liked the old Indian films, and they were
good films. The old ones had everything: a good story, good fighting,
and a good robbery" Khan says he's looking forward to the day when
the boxoffice will open again... when Afghanistan is part of the world
___ At
Shah Aqha's video shop in the town's bazaar, Hindi musicals and gangster
films are the dominant genres, but there are also Hollywood titles, such
as DESPERADO and THE REPLACEMENT KILLERS. For the 300,000 local Afghanis
Aqha will provide the video tape, a battered B & W TV, a video player
and a car
battery to power the whole setup (The power grid has been dead for years)
That basic package would cost an average Afghan DOCTOR a month's salary,
and a color TV would set him back more...
___ Syed
Hamrudin, 33, a Northern Alliance commander whose post overlooks the abandoned
theater, remembers the days of the movie house. A full house of about
340 seats would leave the owner with about $40 a screening. For that he
is locked away in prison and his wife and childen have nothing, Hamrudin
said... His only crime according to Hamrudin, was showing movies. "He
gave people with little hope some way to escape."
< gawrsh!
i'm happy i'm not in Afghanistan! hehehe >
Oct 16, 2001
In place of keeping this section of the website updated, I've created
a weblog at:
Check it out for my latest thoughts on the film world.
Meanwhile the mother
of all weblogs is at
* * *
October 2,
Have you ever wondered why Americans do not text? England does, Finland
does and so does Japan, and of course, the Philippines! So why don't the
Americans do it? I think it all boils down to bad marketing. They should
market it to the Americans as a portable ICQ or AOL Instant Messenger.
Then the Americans will understand.
distributors continue to boycott Inquirer. I think this sucks. It also
shows the true nature of Pinoy Hollywood, God-damn Corrupt! hehehe
gotta check out! That community rocks!
e-mail to get the best CCP-Sineklab
going to the Titus Brandsma Center this Sat. Finally! Yehey! =)
WTC Bombings makes the world repect the army more, and good values. Liberalism
is great, but it shouldn't be done at the expense of the greater good
or greater values.
* * *
21, 2001
something I got from but its hilarious!
* * *
JOURNAL's vita-delicious for your sanity.
+ + + +